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Sunderland's Memories of COVID-19

01/09/2020 by Living History North East - Regional Centre


Sunderland, and the surrounding area, has experienced difficult and emotional times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but as a city we are coming out of this crisis stronger, as our local communities have worked together to help make a difference.


Sunderland’s Voices Captured is designed to help us remember all aspects of the city during these unprecedented times and to be thankful for the good that has been brought into our lives.


We know the devastating impacts the pandemic has brought to our lives.  Everyone in the community has been affected in some way by COVID-19.  This is a space where you can remember, whether you have lost a loved one and want a space to share their lives and the impact they had on the world or a neighbour has gone above and beyond to help you.  This virtual book of memories is here to help, we want to hear your stories.


1.  Use the form below to enter your contact details and a written memory.  

2.  Click SUBMIT to post your memory. 


3.  If you prefer, EMAIL your details, story and/or video or audio file to
 Please see below for details.


Your COVID-19 memories, once checked, will then be posted for everyone to see and read your stories and tributes.  These may eventually be turned into a hard copy and be kept in the Living History archives.


All comments submitted will be moderated before publishing, so please ensure you have permission to post before sharing any content on with us.


You can use this form below to WRITE your story

NOTE:  We do not share or disclose your details, other than your name, without your
            expressed permission.

Thanks for submitting!


OR  You can Email your memories.

For larger typed documents, audio recordings or video files it will be easier if you email them directly to us.

For really large audio or video files you may need to save them to OneDrive / Dropbox / Google Drive etc, and provide a share for us.  Please contact us if you need help to do this.  If you are passing the Elephant Tea House building, you could call in and give us your file on a memory stick?
When submitting a memory in any form, PLEASE REMEMBER to include your name and contact details.  Without these we cannot use your materials.
Email Address:   Tel:  0191 
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