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Frank Caws Elephant Tea Rooms.tif

Hey! So Glad You're Here.

Based in the new restored Elephant Tea House at the junction between Fawcett Street and High Street West, Living History North East (LHNE) is the centre for oral history.

Oral history is the recording of people's memories, experiences and opinions. It is:

  • A living history of everyone's unique life experiences.

  • An opportunity for those people who have been 'hidden from history' to have their voice heard.

  • A rare chance to talk about and record history face-to-face

  • A source of new insights and perspectives that may challenge our view of the past.

LHNE promotes the collection, preservation and use of recorded memories and plays a role in facilitating and developing the use of oral history.


Join LHNE.

If you are interested in being involved in oral history you should join LHNE and become involved in such activities.

As a member of the LHNE you will be:


  • Joining a community of oral historians that are active locally and nationally.

  • Entitled to take part at a reduced rate in a series of highly-rated training programmes.

  • Able to learn and share experiences of best practice in oral history.

  • Able to engage with current thinking about oral history.

  • Invited to participate in lively conferences and seminars at discounted rates.

  • Encouraged to engage with the development of oral history through the journal Oral History - free to members.

  • Gain online access to back issues of Oral History.

Through all these and other activities informing and shaping the future of oral history.




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  • Donnison School
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